Archive for June 14th, 2008


procrastination pays now

Arrow Across the Star

The previous post was an in-depth look at Calyce’s veteran stance Sagitta, therefore this post shall cover steps acquiring her stance. There are two ways to grab the stancebook: buy it from shop or do the quest for it.

Buying it will cost you a hefty 60,000 pesos. So is this worth enough to skip the quest and save your time? Or would you rather pinch some pesos and do the quest? You decide.

So here’s a quick rundown of the quest:

  1. Go to the mercenary’s room in Coimbra.
  2. Talk to one of the npc there to receive a quest.
  3. Take the warp point to Porto Bello’s Dungeon.
  4. Proceed to move at a specific spot, grid F2, in Deserted Quay.
  5. Walk back and forth at F2 until the quest’s message activates.
  6. Some npcs appears and some short conversations take place.
  7. Fight one of them… blah blah blah
  8. Receive a letter to pass to Jean-Pierre.
  9. Go to Lisa Lynway’s cafe and Jean-Pierre will appear there…
  10. Now go to Auch and talk to Jean-Pierre again.
  11. Now you will move to an instanced mission where you have to beat a NPC called Ron Bull using Calyce alone… be sure to bring lots of potions. =)
  12. Get his HP down to 50% to win the battle….so yeah, again, bring LOTs of potions…
  13. Suddenly out of nowhere like all the of the quests, Fritz appears and give you the stancebook.
  14. You’re done. Now use the damn stancebook already. XD

BTW, it would be most reasonable to assume that the quest requires Calyce to be veteran…and family leader so she, herself, can talk to these npcs.

source: click here

FYI, I never post all the pictures Sannpomiti post in his/her news… Posting one or two is fine, but posting everything is just blatantly wasting his/her bandwidth. So I would suggest you click the sources if you want to see all the nice and pretty screenshots.

Welcoming Version 2.9

A new feature has been added to the pet quest. When you killed the pet’s mom for its egg, the next step in the quest would be to go to the Greenhouse on Bahia Island to hatch it. Now! This is where the new feature-step comes in. If you decided to hatch it without interference, you’ll receive a normal grabbing pet, Glover. However, if you drag a potion onto the egg from your inventory, you can intefere in the egg’s incubation to hatch a different pet, Pixy.

So yeah, I drugged my baby pet. Got a problem?

Just one of the way right now to incubate a different pet. More will be sure to add on. And we can also expect an evolution of the pet as well. Glover into Grabber Lady, perhaps?

Yay! The pet manual…wait, this is in Korean. Damn it! Where is the English-side? Y_Y

A new dungeon will be added under the City of Reboldeoux. Access to the dungeon requires you to exit out of the city and into Queen’s Gate and proceed an immediate right-turn.

Hey, every city gotta have its haven of underworld-y “things”…

This dungeon contains new monsters and new recipes for new equipments… that’s right, there will be new equipments. Now let’s hope they’re lv100 craftable. =) Or elite96…

No better place to hide my booty than to hide it in the sewage… *gag on the smell*

Beginning in version 2.9, some earring and necklaces will be displayed graphically on characters, including rnpcs.

Hey! Eyes on the necklace, not below it!

Finally, some zones where veterans and experts can only survive will have buff to ensure easier fighting. The buff would be +10% maxHP, and increase regeneration of +50 HP and +5 SP.

source: here… be sure to click for more screenshots

IAH got IAH-ed?

This is an example that players know more about the game than the game’s management…

Some of the ABS’s craps are rings, and one of those rings is a stance ring…but apparently IAH think it’s a skill ring… when really, it’s a stance ring. Oh well, at least this faux pas of IAH benefits the players.

June 2008